Software Development
Egg farm software is popular software known to egg producers and suppliers in Bangladesh which is widely used for egg production and management. This software is helpful and effective for Egg suppliers in Bangladesh. It helps them to prepare and improve their business. Egg management, purchase and sale, inventory, data analysis are done through this software. A special advantage of this software is that it has complete management facilities on a single platform. This popular online software for egg farmers helps them to do their daily tasks easily and efficiently. Plays a powerful role in determining business progress. This software plays a special role in reducing egg production cost which helps in producing more eggs. And it is indirectly contributing to the GDP of Bangladesh. All in all, this software is an effective and complete solution for business development that helps egg producers manage all tasks easily and gracefully. As a company, we are proud to provide this software service and be associated with this process.
egg farm

Egg-Farm Software Features & Live Demo

accounting inventory

Why Choose Us

Egg management software is developed to facilitate accounting of marginal egg producers and egg suppliers. This software is user friendly like our other software. This software has several important modules such as how many eggs are in which category, purchase and sale reports, sales receipts, banking, SMS service and many other important things. By using this software they can perform their work beautifully. Bangladesh Software Development (BSD) always makes software with the end users in mind and this is no exception.
  • * Multiple user create
  • * View user information update
  • * Menu permission
  • * Add New Customer
  • * Customer due/advance
  • * All customer list
  • * Add New Supplier
  • * Supplier due/advance
  • * All Supplier list
  • * Add New Purchase
  • * Waiting for Purchase rate List
  • * All Shortage list
  • * All Purchase list
  • * Today Purchase Report
  • * Monthly Purchase Report
  • * Yearly Purchase Report
  • * Add New Sell
  • * Waiting for Sell rate
  • * All Sell list
  • * Exchange list
  • * Today Sell Report
  • * Monthly Sell Report
  • * Yearly Sell Report
  • * Accounts Statement
  • * Cash Statement
  • * Bank Statement
  • * Supplier Payment
  • * Supplier Receive
  • * Customer Payment
  • * Customer Receive
  • * All item Stock Report
  • * Today Stock Report
  • * Monthly Stock Report
  • * Yearly Stock Report
  • * Add Income Head
  • * Income Head List
  • * Add Income
  • * Income List
  • * Today Income Report
  • * Monthly Income Report
  • * Yearly Income Report
  • * Add Expense Head
  • * Expense Head List
  • * Add Expense
  • * Expense List
  • * Today Expense Report
  • * Monthly Expense Report
  • * Yearly Expense Report
  • * Company Ledger
  • * Profit
  • * Monthly Balance Sheet
  • * Yearly Balance Sheet
  • * Add Loan Person
  • * Provide Loan to Person
  • * Take Loan From Person
  • * Loan Borrowers List
  • * Loan Giver List
  • * Receive Customer Security Money
  • * Provide Supplier Security Money
  • * Customer Security Money Report
  • * Supplier Security Money Report
  • * Add New Employee
  • *Employee Salary
  • *Employee List
  • *Employee Transaction Report
  • * Add New Bank Info
  • * Bank Info List
  • * Bank Deposit
  • * Bank Withdraw
  • * Bank Transaction Report
  • * Due SMS
  • * Occational SMS
  • * Marketing SMS
  • * Take Egg
  • * Taken Egg List
  • * Give Egg
  • * Given Egg List

Egg Farm Management Software Service

Choosing our Egg Farm Management software service offers a multitude of advantages tailored to meet the unique needs of egg farming operations. Here's why selecting our service stands out as a superior choice:

Tailored Solutions for Egg Farming: Our software is specifically designed to address the intricate needs of egg farming operations.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: By automating routine tasks such as inventory management, egg production tracking, and sales monitoring, our software significantly boosts operational efficiency.

User-Friendly Interface and Support: We prioritize user experience, offering an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.

Cost-Effectiveness: Our service is cost-effective, offering competitive pricing plans suitable for farms of various sizes.