Software Development
Pharmacy management software is an important software that helps in all operations and stock management of a pharmacy. This software helps in sales, medicine stock, report generation, customer service, and other administrative tasks.
Features of Pharmacy Management Software:
- Medicine Stock Management: The software manages the medicine stock and supply, so that the situation can be controlled at the right time in case of shortage or excess need of medicine.
- Customer service:The software keeps records of the customers and helps to inform them whether the customer has previously required any medicine or not.
- Medicine Report: The software helps in generating various types of reports, which provide some important data including medicine breakdown information and current stock.
- Stock and Sales Reports:The software generates stock and sales reports of the business, which provide information related to business operations and profitability.
- Accounting and Disbursement:The software helps in accounting and disbursement, and records every transaction accurately.

Pharmacy Software Features & Live Demo
Why Choose Us
Our pharmacy management software is a single and rich solution that can support the administration and operations of a pharmacy providing medicine and healthcare services. This software is essential as a tool to help in selecting the right stock at the medicine counter and to provide better customer service and communication.
- * Multiple user create
- * View user information update
- * Menu permission
- * Add new Item
- * Item List
- * Add new Shelf
- * Shelf List
- * Shelf Transfare
- * Add New Customer
- * Customer due/advance
- * All customer list
- * Add New Supplier
- * Supplier due/advance
- * All Supplier list
- * Add New Purchase
- * Purchase Return
- * All Purchase list
- * Today Purchase Report
- * Monthly Purchase Report
- * Yealy Purchase Report
- * Purchase Discount Report
- * Add New Sell
- * Sell Return
- * All Sell list
- * Today Sell Report
- * Monthly Sell Report
- * Yealy Sell Report
- * Sell Delivery Report
- * Sell Discount Report
- * Accounts Statement
- * Cash Statement
- * Bank Statement
- * Supplier Payment
- * Supplier Receive
- * Customer Payment
- * Customer Receive
- * All item Stock Report
- * Today Stock Report
- * Monthly Stock Report
- * Yealy Stock Report
- * Add Inacome Head
- * Inacome Head List
- * Add Inacome
- * Inacome List
- * Today Inacome Report
- * Monthly Inacome Report
- * Yealy Inacome Report
- * Add Expense Head
- * Expense Head List
- * Add Expense
- * Expense List
- * Today Expense Report
- * Monthly Expense Report
- * Yealy Expense Report
- * Company Ledger
- * Profit
- * Monthly Balance Sheet
- * Yearly Balance Sheet
- * Add Loan Person
- * Provide Loan to Person
- * Take Loan From Person
- * Loan Borrowers List
- * Loan Giver List
- * Receive Customer Security Money
- * Provide Supplier Security Money
- * Customer Security Money Report
- * Supplier Security Money Report
- * Add New Employee
- *Employee Salary
- *Employee List
- *Employee Transaction Report
- * Add New Bank Info
- * Bank Info List
- * Bank Deposit
- * Bank Withdraw
- * Bank Transaction Report
- * Due SMS
- * Occational SMS
- * Marketing SMS

Pharmacy Management Software Service
Our Pharmacy Management Software is meticulously designed to cater specifically to the needs of pharmacies.
Experience heightened efficiency and accuracy in day-to-day pharmacy operations. Our software simplifies inventory tracking, automates prescription refills, and reduces errors, enabling your team to focus more on patient care.
Easily generate reports for inventory audits, medication dispensing, and regulatory requirements.
Your staff can quickly adapt to its functionalities, enhancing productivity.
We provide dedicated support and training to ensure your team maximizes the software's potential.