Software Development
A super shop or super market is a market in a big metropolis where there is a vast space, where all kinds of goods and services are available. Super shops have all the products and services of daily life, where a person gets all the services of life. Our country once had only a handful of super shops, but today there are many super shops and it is increasing at an exponential rate. Super shops are becoming so popular day by day because everything is available at one place, easy payment options, fixed price list and they maintain the quality of the products. While other shops are maintained manually, it is almost impossible to maintain super shops manually. Services are concurrent and many customers make simultaneous purchases. As the number of super shops in our country is increasing day by day, the demand for software is also increasing. Bangladesh Software Development (BSD) is providing super shop management software in keeping with this demand.

SuperShop Software Features & Live Demo
Why Choose Us
The software that Bangladesh Software Development DSD is providing for super shop management has some special features through which a super shop can be managed efficiently. Some of the modules are stock management, sales management, customer management, distribution management and there are daily, monthly, yearly reports. This software is user friendly like other software. It is designed keeping in mind the needs of the customers. We have kept in mind while developing the software that large population of our country can use it to operate small super medium super shop.
- * Multiple user create
- * View user information update
- * Menu permission
- * Add new Item
- * Item List
- * Add new Model
- * Model List
- * Add new Category
- * Category List
- * Add New Customer
- * Customer due/advance
- * All customer list
- * Add New Supplier
- * Supplier due/advance
- * All Supplier list
- * Add New Purchase
- * Purchase Return
- * All Purchase list
- * Today Purchase Report
- * Monthly Purchase Report
- * Yearly Purchase Report
- * Purchase Discount Report
- * Add New Sell
- * Sell Return
- * All Sell list
- * Today Sell Report
- * Monthly Sell Report
- * Yearly Sell Report
- * Sell Delivery Report
- * Sell Discount Report
- * Accounts Statement
- * Cash Statement
- * Bank Statement
- * Supplier Payment
- * Supplier Receive
- * Customer Payment
- * Customer Receive
- * All item Stock Report
- * Today Stock Report
- * Monthly Stock Report
- * Yearly Stock Report
- * Add Income Head
- * Income Head List
- * Add Income
- * Income List
- * Today Income Report
- * Monthly Income Report
- * Yearly Income Report
- * Add Expense Head
- * Expense Head List
- * Add Expense
- * Expense List
- * Today Expense Report
- * Monthly Expense Report
- * Yearly Expense Report
- * Company Ledger
- * Profit
- * Monthly Balance Sheet
- * Yearly Balance Sheet
- * Add Loan Person
- * Provide Loan to Person
- * Take Loan From Person
- * Loan Borrowers List
- * Loan Giver List
- * Receive Customer Security Money
- * Provide Supplier Security Money
- * Customer Security Money Report
- * Supplier Security Money Report
- * Add New Employee
- *Employee Salary
- *Employee List
- *Employee Transaction Report
- * Add New Bank Info
- * Bank Info List
- * Bank Deposit
- * Bank Withdraw
- * Bank Transaction Report
- * Due SMS
- * Occational SMS
- * Marketing SMS

Super Shop Management Software Service
Our Super Shop Management Software isn't just another generic system. We understand the complexities of shop management and provide tailored solutions that fit your specific business needs.
Experience streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency. Our software simplifies day-to-day tasks, from inventory control to automated billing and beyond.
Make data-driven decisions with ease. Our software provides comprehensive reporting and analytics features, offering insights into sales trends, inventory turnover, and customer behavior.
We prioritize user experience. Our software comes with an intuitive interface that requires minimal training.
We're committed to your success. Our dedicated support team is always available to assist you.